€25m Invested In Tullamore Dew Distilling Operations

By Dave Simpson
€25m Invested In Tullamore Dew Distilling Operations

In a bid to boost sales, owner of Tullamore Dew whiskey William Grant & Sons has invested €25 million in its County Offaly distilling operation this year.

According to The Irish Independent, Tullamore Dew anticipates that it will sell just under 1.2 million cases in 2017, up from 840,000 in 2014. William Grant has pumped €100 million into the company since purchasing it from C&C.

Tullamore Dew director Caspar MacRae commented, "We think there's huge headroom for growth for Irish whiskey, and Tullamore Dew specifically, worldwide. I think Irish whiskey is central to a broader whiskey renaissance that we've seen over the last 10 years or so. Whiskey is a category, whether you're talking about scotch, Irish or American, that, broadly speaking, is doing extremely well.

"In 2014, we invested about €35m in the site in Tullamore and that was really to build the pot still and the malt distillery on site. But the evolution of that is that this year we've invested about another €25m in distilling capabilities in the site to build the grain distillery."

Additionally, MacRae declared that Tullamore Dew is growing at a double-digit rate in America and asserted, "We still perform really well in very important European markets like Germany, Czechia and increasingly Poland, where the consumers are developing a real appetite for Tullamore Dew. Beyond that, we look to EMEA and specifically Africa."