Irish Whiskey Exports Increase 19.9%

By Dave Simpson
Irish Whiskey Exports Increase 19.9%

New figures from the CSO reveal that the value of global exports of Irish whiskey increased 19.9% to €314 million during the first seven months of 2017.

According to The Irish Independent, exports to America rose 22.2% to €189 million, with the US now being responsible for 60% of overseas sales for the sector. Meanwhile, the value of exports to other EU countries increased 13.5% to €92 million and Canadian exports jumped 33% to €8.5 million.

Commenting on the above data, head of the Irish Whiskey Association William Lavelle asserted this "phenomenal growth cements Irish whiskey's position as the world's fastest-growing spirit category."

Lavelle stated that the growth was driven by international investment in the Irish whiskey industry, as well as by the innovation of new brands for the global market.

However, Lavelle also warned that the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill will damage competition, which in turn will discourage international investment in the industry.

He explained, "Competition and investment are underpinning this export growth. We have a Bill that will damage that and ultimately damage our export prospects. Significant constraints on advertising in the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill will seriously impact on the capacity of new-entrants to engage with consumers and promote their new products, compared with established brands."