1.5m Londoners Read About Northern Ireland’s ‘Flourishing Food Scene’

By Dave Simpson
1.5m Londoners Read About Northern Ireland’s ‘Flourishing Food Scene’

An article all about Northern Ireland appeared this week in the ‘London Life’ food section of the Evening Standard, showcasing some of NI's award-winning food and drink producers. The article was seen by about 1.5 million readers in London – or potential holidaymakers for Northern Ireland.

This article is part of a four-week partnership between Tourism Ireland and the London Evening Standard to highlight Northern Ireland in GB. It features an interview with Caroline Wilson, founder of Taste and Tour Belfast, who reveals her top tips for visitors to Belfast who wish to investigate the city's food and drink scene – including local chocolatier Co Couture, The Barking Dog or Established Coffee for brunch, Il Piratta for dinner and The Spaniard for a quiet drink. She also mentions Harry’s Shack in Portstewart and Noble in Holywood, as some of her other favourite places to dine outside Belfast.

“We are delighted to partner with the Evening Standard to promote Northern Ireland in London”, said Julie Wakley, Tourism Ireland’s Head of Great Britain. “It’s a really great way to showcase our local food and great places to eat, highlighting Northern Ireland as a ‘must visit’ destination to potential holidaymakers from London.”

Two further articles about Northern Ireland will feature in the ‘London Life’ food section of the newspaper and on the Evening Standard website over the coming weeks.