Discover Energy Saving Solutions At SEAI’s Energy Show At RDS

By Publications Checkout
Discover Energy Saving Solutions At SEAI’s Energy Show At RDS

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) is inviting businesses from the hospitality sector to come to the Energy Show 2017, the premier business energy event taking place at the RDS, Dublin on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th of April.

The annual two-day free event brings together 160 exhibitors of sustainable energy technologies and services. It is a must for those in the hospitality sector interested in staying up to speed on developments and innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Last year, in addition to attendance growing by 23 per cent to 4,000, over €85 million in revenue sales was generated by exhibitors at the Energy Show.

Commenting on the show, Jim Gannon, CEO of SEAI said: “The Irish sustainable energy sector is consistently growing as homeowners, businesses and communities move towards cleaner and energy efficient technologies. The Energy Show brings together the key designers, suppliers and contractors who help to deliver these sustainable energy solutions, and is an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in energy management and sustainability. From small businesses to large industry, from public bodies to community organisations, the Energy Show is the perfect opportunity to witness the latest innovations in renewable energy and energy efficiency and learn about future developments as we work towards a more sustainable energy society.”

The event centres around the exhibition, where visitors can see everything from large scale renewable energy solutions for industry, to smart energy management systems for SMEs, or the latest lighting technology innovations, to high efficiency boilers and much more in-between. There are also lots of additional events and features to experience at the show including:

- Networking opportunities with international markets and professional representative associations
- An electric vehicle pavilion with free test drives of the latest models
- A best practice demonstration area
- A wide range of workshops and expert briefing events


The SEAI Energy Theatre offers free talks with industry experts updating attendees on the latest policy and market developments in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. This year the Energy Theatre will feature an engaging session on Women in Energy, alongside a range of other sessions on sectoral and technical areas of interest. With the Irish market for sustainable energy set to reach €3 billion by 2020, this session will explore if we have enough gender diversity in the sector. A panel of energy professionals will discuss the current profile of the energy sector, the challenges for women in the sector and how mentoring and networking can be used to overcome these.

Sessions of particular interest to those in the hospitality sector who are trying to maximise energy savings include briefings on:

- Energy auditing: how to get started on your business
- Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED): learning from experience
- Solar PV: where are the opportunities in Ireland
- Low Emission Vehicles in Ireland: On the Road to Clean Transport

Last year, many of the visitors at the Show availed of the opportunity to link up with international markets to develop overseas business and contacts. Once again, representatives from a host of worldwide embassies will be available to meet with Irish companies to discuss business opportunities in countries including Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Canada, France, Romania, Czech Republic and Israel. Countries will be present at scheduled times and full details are available on

Attendees can also link up with industry and professional associations at the Energy Industry Pavilion. Representative groups such as the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, the Heat Pump Association, the Lighting Association of Ireland, Engineers Ireland among many more will be present to meet with visitors and discuss professional and standards development in the energy sector.


The SEAI Energy Show is a free business event and will run in April, Wednesday 5th (10am to 6pm) and Thursday 6th (9am to 5pm).

For further details and to register, visit