Dublin Hospitality Readies For Easter Rising Tourism Boost

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Dublin Hospitality Readies For Easter Rising Tourism Boost

An Garda Síochána has predicted more than 360,000 people will attend the Easter Sunday parade in Dublin to mark the 100-year anniversary of the 1916 Rising.

The Irish Times reports that the Garda are expecting a ‘tsunami of people’ to descend on the city centre, as transport services ready themselves for what Jennifer Gilna of the National Transport Authority (NTA) said is the "largest-ever transport service in the history of the State".

The centre of the city will be locked down the whole weekend as far as transport is concerned, however "every Dart, train and intercity service available” will be on hand to funnel visitors to the surrounding areas. A planned Luas strike on the weekend will seriously affect proceedings should it go ahead, however.

Hotels are expected to hit capacity for the weekend also. According to Supt Kevin Dalton, of Store Street Garda station, Dublin's 50,000 hotel beds are full for the two-week period and the airport "is at capacity".

The 4.5-kilometre Easter Rising parade route will run from the Royal College of Surgeons at St Stephen’s Green to Bolton Street. It will stop at the GPO at 12:30pm to commemorate the event by reading the Proclamation and raising the Irish flag.