Fáilte Ireland Publishes Tourism Facts 2015 Report

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Fáilte Ireland Publishes Tourism Facts 2015 Report

Fáilte Ireland has published its Tourism Facts for 2015, an annual report that looks into how tourism fared over the year, by analysing the performance of overseas and domestic markets, the regional spread as well as holidaymaker behaviour.

The information is collected from a variety of sources, such as the Central Statistics Office, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency and Fáilte Ireland's own surveys. It is then analysed to to gain a comprehensive portrait of Ireland's tourism performance that can be shared with members of the industry and stakeholders.

Details of the 10-page report show that the number of overseas visitors to Ireland has grown by 13.1 per cent to 8 million, with 4 million of those trips being leisure holiday visits. Expenditure by tourists was estimated to be worth €5.9 billion, with Mainland Europe being the largest source market at €1.6 billion. Britain still remains the biggest source market, accounting for 42 per cent of inbound traffic, while Irish residents took 7.5 million domestic trips and spent €1.5 billion.

Discussing Tourism Facts 2015, a Fáilte Ireland spokesperson emphasised: "This document provides a rich resource for anyone looking for the fundamental facts about tourism in Ireland and is a valuable resource for those who wish to analyse current trends and patterns in the industry."