Fáilte Ireland Launches New Wild Atlantic Way Marketing Campaign

By Dave Simpson
Fáilte Ireland Launches New Wild Atlantic Way Marketing Campaign

Fáilte Ireland’s spring advertising campaign for the Wild Atlantic Way kick-started on Monday February 12. Centring on a key theme - ‘Embrace the Wild Atlantic Way of Life’ - the campaign emphasises the opportunity for Irish people to discover the west coast.

A campaign ad, planned to elevate awareness of the Wild Atlantic Way as a whole, will be accompanied by advertising across national and local radio, outdoor, online, and social media channels, and will run until March 19.

Fáilte Ireland’s director of marketing, Niall Tracey, emphasised, “The domestic market provides a bed-rock for many tourism businesses and sustains activity in the sector throughout the year – providing the sector with more than a billion Euros in revenue. Our home holiday marketing activity is especially geared to generate business in the ‘shoulder seasons’ each side of summer to allow tourism operators trade longer which is good for jobs and also important in terms of developing and maintaining a strong product on the ground for all tourists – whether domestic or international.”

The Irish domestic market is a very important component of the tourism sector, delivering an estimated 4.8 million holiday trips in Ireland in 2017, with an estimated €1.13 billion generated by domestic holidays. Total nights spent on domestic leisure trips last year was estimated at 14 million. Irish residents accounted just over half (52%) of all hotel nights in Ireland in 2017.

Miriam Kennedy, Fáilte Ireland’s head of the Wild Atlantic Way, added, “The Wild Atlantic Way is immensely popular with the domestic consumer and this campaign highlights the fantastic product we have along the route. Our industry partners have embraced this campaign and are ready and waiting to give a wonderful Wild Atlantic Way experience to every visitor.”