Limerick Set To Become 'Must-Visit' Destination on Wild Atlantic Way

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Limerick Set To Become 'Must-Visit' Destination on Wild Atlantic Way

Fáilte Ireland's plans for a new Wild Atlantic Way tourism strategy will see Limerick become a "must-visit" destination with annual "visitor numbers to increase to over one million" and for it grow "visitor revenue to over €300 million per annum", said Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan.

O'Donovan commented that the 2015-2019 Fáilte Ireland strategy for the acclaimed coastal route will see "the development of a series of loops off the Wild Atlantic Way to encourage greater spread of visitors, alleviate pressure from high-traffic areas and present complementary visitor experiences", adding that "Fáilte Ireland will identify opportunities to present the region’s cultural and sporting heritage to visitors, in line with key strategic areas such as the Wild Atlantic Way and Business Tourism and Events".

Currently, Limerick welcomes 709,000 overseas and domestic visitors annually, generating €206 million in revenue for the local economy and employing approximately 8,000 people in its tourism sector, reports

"We look forward to the implementation of the strategy in the coming years, which will maximise Limerick’s potential as a tourism destination, thereby supporting job creation, investment opportunities, and economic growth," added O'Donovan.