Minister Brendan Griffin Promotes Ireland In Mexico

By Dave Simpson
Minister Brendan Griffin Promotes Ireland In Mexico

Tourism Minister Brendan Griffin last night (March 12) attended the ‘greening’ of several monuments in Guadalajara, in Mexico. Griffin is in Mexico as part of a "Promote Ireland" programme around St Patrick's Day.

Hundreds of famous landmarks and iconic sites around the world are set to light up green over the coming days, as part of Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative to celebrate St Patrick and the island of Ireland.

“We are delighted that Minister Griffin is in Mexico this week, helping to deliver the message about the many great reasons to visit Ireland,” said Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland. “Our Global Greening initiative has gone from strength to strength, with hundreds of sites around the world taking part, including numerous monuments in Mexico City and Guadalajara.

“St Patrick’s Day traditionally marks the real start of the tourism season for us; our aim is to bring a smile to the faces of people around the world and to convey the message that Ireland offers the warmest of welcomes and great fun, as well as wonderful scenery and heritage. Our St Patrick’s programme spans Mainland Europe, North America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, as well as emerging tourism markets like China and the Middle East. We are using every opportunity to capitalise on Ireland’s heightened profile this week; the saturation coverage about the island of Ireland across the global airwaves, in newspapers and digital media, is an invaluable boost for our overall 2018 tourism promotional drive.”