Northern Ireland Garners £850m Thanks To Surge In Tourist Numbers

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Northern Ireland Garners £850m Thanks To Surge In Tourist Numbers

An extra £86 million was pumped into the local coffers in Northern Ireland last year thanks to a spike in visitor numbers staying overnight north of the border.

Belfast is reaping the benefits of the growth in the tourist market in Northern Ireland, with almost a third of visitors choosing the visit the city, reports

Last year, Belfast made up 31% of the total 4.7 million visitors to the north, with an estimated 1.5 million tourists enjoying an overnight stay in the city. That figure is up on the previous year, while total spend by tourists is also up.

The Causeway Coast and Glens council district ranked second behind Belfast in terms of visitor numbers.

According to the 2016 figures, tourists brought £850 million into the local economy, 39 per cent of which was spent in Belfast (£334 million).