Scattery Island Named As Irish Winner Of 2017 EDEN Award

By Dave Simpson
Scattery Island Named As Irish Winner Of 2017 EDEN Award

Scattery Island in County Clare was named as the Irish winner of the 2017 EDEN (European Destination of Excellence) Award, recognising it as the destination in Ireland which has best used its local tangible cultural assets to grow visitor numbers. The EDEN award was officially presented today (Tuesday October 24) by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Brendan Griffin TD at a ceremony in the Vandeleur Walled Garden in Kilrush, Co. Clare.

Th EDEN competition, which Fáilte Ireland manages in Ireland, is staged every two years in each EU country along a specific shared theme, and is designed to encourage and promote a more sustainable form of tourism development. Scattery Island was one of three Irish destinations shortlisted under this year’s Tangible Cultural Destination theme. The two runner-up destinations were Ceide Coast, Co. Mayo, and The Norman Way, Co. Wexford.

Paddy Mathews, head of innovation for Fáilte Ireland, commented, “This year’s theme focused on small, emerging, non-traditional destinations located off the beaten track that offered an authentic tourism experience. This is something Ireland has in abundance, which made for a close and fiercely competitive competition. During the adjudication, Scattery Island demonstrated a strong commitment to balancing the preservation of archaeology, environment and cultural heritage along with pursuing opportunities for exploration and enjoyment by visitors.”