Star Wars Boosts Visitor Numbers At Skellig Michael

By Dave Simpson
Star Wars Boosts Visitor Numbers At Skellig Michael

Visitor numbers at Skellig Michael are up approximately 2,000 to 16,700 this year compared to 2016 as a result of the island's inclusion in both Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens and the upcoming Episode VIII: The Last Jedi enticing more movie fans to travel to it shores.

As reported by The Irish Independent, local businesses have been doing their best to capitalise upon the so-called Star Wars effect, with Co. Kerry boat operators and other businesses calling for an extension to the season for visiting the island.

However, an expansion of the tourism season may be restricted, pending the results of a review, due to Skellig Michael's status as a Unesco World Heritage Site. A representative of the Office of Public Works stated that work is currently "ongoing" to prepare the review of the season dates.