Tourism Ireland Promotes Northern Ireland In America

By Dave Simpson
Tourism Ireland Promotes Northern Ireland In America

Representatives of the Ulster Historical Foundation, the Ulster-Scots Agency, Dalriada Kingdom Tours, Visit Armagh, Mid and East Antrim and Brack Tours travelled to Georgia in the United States to join Tourism Ireland for this year’s Stone Mountain Highland Games.

Now in its 45th year, the Stone Mountain Highland Games is an annual event which takes place in Stone Mountain Park, north-east of Atlanta in Georgia. Attracting almost 30,000 visitors of Scots-Irish and Scots descent during the two-day festival, the games afforded Tourism Ireland the opportunity to highlight Northern Ireland as a holiday destination.

In advance of this year’s games, influential journalists, travel trade and airline contacts from Atlanta were invited to a lunch event by Tourism Ireland where they met with the various companies from Northern Ireland to hear about what Northern Ireland has to offer American holidaymakers.

Alison Metcalfe, Tourism Ireland’s Head of North America, said, “Our presence at the games is a key element of our ongoing activity to showcase Northern Ireland as a compelling holiday destination in the United States, helping us to keep Northern Ireland high on the vacation ‘wish-list’ of Americans for 2018.”