Tourism Ireland Sets Ambitious Targets For 2024

By Robert McHugh
Tourism Ireland Sets Ambitious Targets For 2024

Tourism Ireland has announced plans to increase the overall economic value of overseas tourism to the island of Ireland, growing revenue by an average of 5.6% per year over the next six years, to 2030.

Additionally, the organisation aims to sustainably support the economies of communities across the island, growing revenue to regions outside of the peak season by an average of 6.5% per year to 2030.

Marketing Budget Of €70 Million

The plan was announced this week at an event attended by Tourism Minister Catherine Martin and around 550 tourism industry leaders from around the country.

This year, Tourism Ireland will roll out ‘an extensive and targeted programme of activity’ with a marketing budget of €70 million.

‘Sustainably Supporting Economies’

“In 2024, our aim is to increase the value of overseas tourism to the island of Ireland, sustainably supporting economies, communities, and the environment,” said Alice Mansergh, chief executive designate of Tourism Ireland.


“We will do so by inspiring overseas visitors and strengthening strategic partnerships.

“Our message is that the island of Ireland has so much to offer across regions and seasons.”

Overseas Tourists

Tourism Ireland plans to use ‘data-driven marketing’ to stimulate demand from high-value overseas tourists.

Meanwhile, Minister Martin announced details of the government’s new tourism policy direction while attending the event.

‘Sustainable Tourism’

“My department is progressing the development of a new national tourism policy framework that will mainstream sustainability – environmental, economic and societal – across the entire tourism sector,” said Martin.


“The framework will shape how our tourism industry develops in to the future.

“In this regard, while I want to see the sector grow, I want it to do so in a manner that is consistent with our broader sustainability targets and ensures that Ireland will be a brand leader in sustainable tourism.”