The Minister for Tourism, Leo Varadkar, has said he wants the 9% VAT rate for tourism-related goods and services retained after the next budget. “When this Government came into office, we saw tourism as a key sector for support precisely because of its ability to create jobs and earnings in communities throughout Ireland," said Varadkar at the launch of a review of tourism policy. "That is why tourism was at the heart of our very first Jobs Initiative in 2011. Support for air access, reduced employment costs through reduced PRSI for the lower-paid and, of course, the reduced rate of VAT for tourism-related services were all introduced," he said. Mr Varadkar says he and the junior minister for tourism, Michael Ring, had been “fighting the good fight” in relation to retaining the rate. Mr Ring said he had already met Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan in relation to retaining it at 9 %. “This is working, this is positive and it should be left as it is,” he said. Shaun Quinn, CEO of Fáilte Ireland said the announcement of this review is "timely and ultimately will set out a shared destination for Fáilte Ireland and all our industry partners as we work towards consistent and sustainable growth within the sector."
VAT Rate To Be Retained?