Visitor Numbers Light Up Loop Head Tourist Season

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Visitor Numbers Light Up Loop Head Tourist Season

Visitor figures at Loop Head Lighthouse in County Clare are up almost 5% in 2016.

Clare County Council, which manages the facility in conjunction with the Commissioners of Irish Lights (CIL), says 7,129 people visited the West Clare landmark between April and June compared to 6,806 people during the same period in 2015.

June was the busiest month at the Lighthouse with 3,202 visitors recorded during the period.

 The total visitor numbers at Loop Head Lighthouse from 18th March 2016 to 15 July 2016 was 9,440. Approximately 22% or 2,072 of these visitors were children.

 The nationalities of visitors to Loop Head Lighthouse during 2016 (18 March-15 July) were Irish (39%), German (27%), American/Canadian (10%), British (6%), Italy (2%) and Other (16%).


Loop Head Lighthouse is a landmark location on the Loop Head Heritage Trail which was named winner of the 'Culture and Heritage' category of the 2015 World Responsible Tourism Awards. It is also one of twelve lighthouses which make up Great Lighthouses of Ireland, a new all-island tourism initiative, and is one of two Signature Discovery Points in County Clare along the route of the Wild Atlantic Way.