Big Spike In People Using Mobiles To Make Hotel Bookings

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Big Spike In People Using Mobiles To Make Hotel Bookings's Hotel Price Index has found that there was a 70 per cent increase in the number of Irish people using mobile devices to make bookings in 2014 compared to the previous year.

According to Business and Leadership website, the big rise in 2014 was down to people generally becoming more comfortable with the technology as well as a trend of last-minute bookings made via mobile.

Globally, more than one in four transactions are now made with the company's mobile app, launched in 2011. On peak days, mobile traffic exceeded 50 per cent, with 65 per cent of bookings for one-night stays made via mobile.

In the UK, mobile app bookings rose by 120 per cent, with some 41 per cent of bookings made this way, ahead of the global average of 30 per cent.