Clare Hotel Launches 'Say I Doolin' Film Promotion

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Clare Hotel Launches 'Say I Doolin' Film Promotion

A hotel in the southwest of Ireland has created a unique way of promoting their wedding packages by creating a five-part drama series available to see on their Facebook and on YouTube.

According to the Irish Examiner, Hotel Doolin have commissioned filmmaker James Skerrit to create the series, which focuses on a couple meeting in the hotel, shot in its picturesque surroundings in north Clare.

General manager Donal Minihane explained that the purpose of the videos is to get as many people viewing them as possible to raise the hotel's profile as a wedding spot. “We wanted to create a bit of excitement around our Wild Atlantic Wedding,” said Minihane.

The film, which shows the couple visiting the Doolin Writers Weekend as well the Craft Beer Festival, is entitled “Say I Doolin” and its aim is to promote the hotel's wedding packages by asking people a daily question on their Facebook page. A daily prize will be given as well as the grand prize – a wedding package for up to 100 people - at the end of the week when all five installments are shown.

The first video (below) is available on the hotel's Facebook page and on YouTube.