High Court to Decide Fate of Half-Built Hotel

By Steve Wynne-Jones
High Court to Decide Fate of Half-Built Hotel

The High Court will rule on the future of a uncompleted hotel in Cashel, Co. Tipperary which was forced to cease development by the South Tipperary County Council before completion.

The proposed site, near the Rock of Cashel, was being funded by company directors Liam and Josephine Campion. According to the Irish Examiner, the Campions were halted in their progress due to what the council claim was a breach of planning permission.

The Laois-based couple are now suing for damages for the money lost investing in the proposed site, which is now a half-built 120 bedroom hotel at Ballypaudeen. The pair claim they may never be able to recover the project.

According to the Campions' representative, planning permission was granted for the site in 2004 and "minor changes" were agreed upon in 2006. Development was subsequently blocked by the council and has laid dormant since.

Justice William M McKechnie said the High Court would examine whether or not the changes made to the plans were "immaterial". A full hearing with expert opinion will decide the case.