A night in a Dublin hotel around the St. Patrick's Day festival will cost nearly twice as much as usual, according to price comparison website trivago.ie.
The Irish Examiner reports that, according to the website, a night in a Dublin hotel on Monday 16 March will cost an average of €182. To compare, a room on the following Monday would cost just €98.
To stay in Dublin on the 17 March itself will cost an average of €178, and prices remain consistently high throughout the festival as celebrations start this weekend beforehand.
The price rise is consistent with last year, when room rates were nearly 90 per cent compared to the monthly average.
However, the peak rates are slightly lower, with a room costing an average of €210 the night before the parade in 2013. Hotel prices increased by as much as 173 per cent in 2013, which seems to have dipped this year.