Kilkenny Landmark Hotel Records Earnings of Half a Million

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Kilkenny Landmark Hotel Records Earnings of Half a Million

Langton's in Kilkenny reported earnings of over half a million in 2014, as the company's gross profits increased from €6.3 million to €6.7 million.

The well-known hotel on John Street, Kilkenny, recorded earnings before depreciation interest, tax and amortisation (EBITA) of €553,738 in 2014, according to the Irish Independent.

The accounts filed by Langton Hotel Ltd show a pre-tax loss of €377,373, taking into account the non-cash depreciation costs of €785,787 and interest payments of €145,324.

"The results for the year and the financial position at the year end were considered satisfactory by the directors who expect continued growth in the foreseeable future," read the report.

Langton's houses a number of bars as well as the popular nightclub on site. It hires a total of 173 staff.