Minister Concerned Over Growing Hospitality Prices

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Minister Concerned Over Growing Hospitality Prices

Patrick O'Donovan, the Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, has said he is “hugely concerned” about the effect that growing prices in the hospitality sector will have on the number of overseas visitors, and that he will not allow recent growth in the tourism industry to be reversed.

Referring to the Celtic Tiger era when he says Ireland was “perceived internationally as greedy”, the Minister hopes the country won't return to that time and wants industry members to make sure that visitors get value for money. While the past few years has been difficult for the tourism industry, O'Donovan says that increased competitiveness will make sure the industry doesn't rest on its laurels and that it's important people be aware of the number of jobs it provides in all areas of the country.

Speaking at the launch of a 'signatory discovery point' campaign on The Wild Atlantic Way, he warned against "prices spiralling out of control and competitiveness being lost”, however the Irish Hotels Federation say that Irish hotel prices represent “excellent value compared to other international destinations," reports the RTE.

The federation stated that hotel room prices are currently reaching more sustainable levels after the downturn, which in turn has enabled them to invest in their businesses and take on extra staff. It also recommends that people book early to get the best rates and to shop around to find the best accommodation price.