The plans of Galway's city council to convert the current five-lane roundabout to a four-lane signalised junction and the speculations that this would include the removal of the exit at the Menlo Park Hotel (as well as to the Liosbán Industrial Estate) have caused great controversy among business owners and local residents. Officials of the Galway city council presented plans to local councillors in May advising that the current Menlo exit be excluded and access realigned to a new exit on the N84. Fearing the endangerment of jobs and major inconveniences for local families, businesses and residents in the Menlo and Castlewan areas have protested vehemently against the proposal. The owner of one of Galway's biggest hotels, John Francis, said that current plans for the conversion of the Kirwan Roundabout would damage his business greatly: “I’d imagine we are one of the biggest employers in the area. We pay our taxes and our rates and they are not discussing this with us, just removing us from the junction and putting us down as an afterthought. It would be massively devastating for the business.” Despite the fact that compulsory purchase of land on the Menlo Park Hotel site had been flagged during public discussions, Mr Francis reported that no engagement about the development of the new junction had been made with him by City Officials. Meanwhile, Galway City Mayor Terry O’Flaherty has vowed that she will not support the Kirwan Roundabout plans until concerns from residents have been fully addressed.
Roundabout Changes Threaten Galway Hotels