An Taisce Defends Objections To Hotel Developments in Dublin

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An Taisce Defends Objections To Hotel Developments in Dublin

Despite Dublin's current desperate need for new hotel rooms to meet demand, An Taisce has backed its recent decisions to lodge objections to a number of planned hotel developments in the capital.

Some of the hotel developments awaiting the planning green light following An Taisce objections include: a 249-room hotel on the site of the derelict former motor tax building River House; a new 115-bedroom 'compact' hotel at Andrew's Lane; a 298-bedroom aparthotel at the former Tivoli Theatre on Francis Street; a 40-bedroom townhouse-style hotel on Harcourt Terrace in Dublin; and a 53-bedroom Howl at the Moon site on Mount Street, reports the Irish Independent.

 "We understand the need for hotel rooms but there are planning regulations in place in Dublin," said An Taisce spokesman Charles Stanley-Smith, adding that An Taisce only makes planning submissions where it believes people are breaking the planning guidelines.

On the River House development, Stanley-Smith said: "I would agree that the building [River House] that is there right now is not the world's finest. But it is to try and ensure that whatever is built is going to fit in and not overpower what could be a very nice area of Dublin."
