Copper Face Jacks See Pre-Tax Profits Of €6.81 Million

By Publications Checkout
Copper Face Jacks See Pre-Tax Profits Of €6.81 Million

Famous Dublin nightclub Copper Face Jacks have seen a record of pre-tax profits consisting of €6.81 million in the last year.

It is reported that the cloakroom alone received a total of €217,146 in the last year also.

Breanagh Catering Ltd, the company behind the hotel/nightclub, witnessed its after-tax profits soar by 5.4% in a year that included Dublin captain Bryan Cullen encouraging Dub-fans to join him in the clubafter Dublin's win in the All-Ireland football final.

The company's cash balance in January 2012 stood at a healthy €38 million, up by €5.44 million from 2011.

Owners of the nightclub and the Jackson Court Hotel are ex-garda Cathal Jackson and his wife Paula.