Galway Nightclub Offers Hilarious Challenge To Thieves

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Galway Nightclub Offers Hilarious Challenge To Thieves

Carbon Nightclub in Galway City has offered a free limo lift, €100 bar tab and vip entry to two pranksters that stole their welcome mat. However, the two young men have to return the mat without being spotted. If they are caught, they will be banned from the club for two months.

"After much discussion, we have [decided] this horrible debacle must come to an end. These two jokers managed to sneak this mat out past security but if they can sneak it back in, we'll give them a €100 [~$135] bar tab and a free limo and vip entry for their friends. BUT if they care caught bringing back in, BARRED for 2 months...So ye feeling lucky punks???? it!!" it read on Carbon's Facebook page.

The two students posted pictures of themselves with the mat on Facebook on the night they stole it. Other patrons of the nightclub are getting in on the fun by posting other stolen Carbon paraphernalia on Facebook. Some even going as far as to photoshop themselves using the mat as a flying carpet.

"We're delighted people are seeing it in the humour it was meant. Galway is a vibrant student town and they're all studying and doing exams at the moment, so it was just a fun thing we came up with to draw attention to ourselves." Jonathan Bryne, Carbon Nightclub's Marketing Manager told the Irish Independent.

Since the two boys are completing their Christmas exams, they won't be in the nightclub for a little while. "The two lads have actually been in touch. They're doing exams at the moment so they called to let us know that they wouldn't be able to even try to sneak the mat back in until after the 20th December."Jonathan added.

However, the lads are welcome at Carbon anytime. "We'll welcome them with open arms. Getting so much feedback is absolutely mindblowing."