Healy-Rae Attracts German TV Audience Of 2 Million

By Publications Checkout
Healy-Rae Attracts German TV Audience Of 2 Million

Danny Healy-Rae's highly controversial argument on drink-driving legislation has been brought to Europe.

An estimated two million Germans tuned in to watch the publican Danny Healy-Rae's appearance on the 'Spiegel TV' programme last night, which took something of a tongue-in-cheek look at Healy-Rae's fight 'for more merriness'.

Healy-Rae's proposal to relax drink-driving laws caused a media furore when it was carried by Kerry County Council, having won the support of three other publican councillors and Danny Healy-Rae's son, Johnny.

The proposal called for the introduction of legislation that would give discretion to the gardaí to issue permits to rural dwellers to travel home after consuming two or three pints.

Healy-Rae insisted that that the proposal had been intended to tackle the problem of rural isolation and the associated problem of suicide in rural regions and not in fact to boost his own trade as a rural publican.