HSE Fumes After 11 Pubs In Ireland Break Smoking Ban

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HSE Fumes After 11 Pubs In Ireland Break Smoking Ban

11 premises in Ireland have been found to have breached the smoking ban in the first three months of 2014, which includes the Market Bar on Dublin's Fade Street. The Health Service Executive today published a list of culprit pubs and issued a statement: "significant problems still remain in relation to smoking in the work place." They did, however, express the opinion that in general, compliance with the Public Health (Tobacco) Act has been commendable since into was passed into law 10 years ago.    The Market Bar, run by Mercroft Taverns Ltd, was fined €250 for one breach of the act and €500 for a second, in addition to €1,250 for costs. Mercroft Taverns pleaded guilty to the accusations when their representatives appeared in court in March.   Seven premises found guilty are located in Donegal; one was in Wexford, Monaghan, and Tipperary respectively.    The Irish law prohibits smoking absolutely in the general workplace, enclosed public places, restaurants, bars, education facilities, healthcare facilities and public transport. Smoking rooms are permitted in hotels.   Smoking in workplaces in Ireland was banned on 29 March 2004, making Ireland the first country in the world to impose an outright ban on smoking in workplaces, with potential €3,000 on-the-spot fines. Premises must display a sign to inform patrons of the ban in either of the nation's two official languages, and the contact person to whom complaints can be directed. Ireland also prohibited in-store tobacco advertising and displays of tobacco products at retail outlets and a ban on the sale of packets of 10 cigarettes in the second half of 2009. The same bill also started new controls on tobacco vending machines.