Slattery's Move Draws Criticism

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Slattery's Move Draws Criticism

One of Dublin's most popular pubs has caused a stir with the locals, after permission to take over extra pavement in front of Slatterys was granted last month. Residents around Lansdowne Road are objecting to plans to hand over a section of pavement at an admittedly tight space. Council bosses have struck a deal with the Dublin 4 pub which will see a small paved area in front of the pub formally handed over to its owner. The area in question stretches from the front of the pub to the edge of the road and is owned by Dublin City Council. The pub has lobbied the council to purchase the deeds of the land, which it says has been used by its customers for 20 years.However the deal with Slattery's has alarmed some local residents, who claim that privatising the pavement will affect the public's right of way.