Italian Restaurant Offers Discount To Customers With 'Well-Behaved Children'

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Italian Restaurant Offers Discount To Customers With 'Well-Behaved Children'

Antonio Ferrari's self-titled restaurant in Padua, Italy, has made international headlines for offering a five per cent discount to parents as long as their children behave, reports

"We like having children here - as long as they behave. When you get parents who are rude, the kids think they can do anything. They might climb on the tables with their shoes on, play in the bathroom and make a mess with the taps, or annoy the other customers. The restaurant is essentially an enoteca (winery). We don't have a children's menu or any other special provisions, but on Sundays, parents often come and bring their children," he said.

"I'd definitely offer the discount again, but I don't want to make it an official promotion or offer because that's not the point," added Ferrari.

However, a cafe owner in Vienna, Austria, has taken a different tack and begun charing customers an additional €1 if they take too long charging their electric devices reports BBC. The additional fee applies not only to phones but to laptops and tablets and is multiplied by the number of devices a customer recharges.

"Tourists - always electricity, electricity, electricity. Sorry but who is going to pay me for it? I run a cafe, not an internet cafe. It's getting more and more extreme. People come and think everything is accessible and free... You don't even open your eyes in the morning for free," said owner Galina Pokorny.