Northern Irish Restaurant Chain Bubbacue Coming To Dublin

By Dave Simpson
Northern Irish Restaurant Chain Bubbacue Coming To Dublin

Encouraged by the success of its second outlet on Belfast's Botanic Avenue, Northern Irish barbecue-style restaurant chain Bubbacue has announced plans to expand into the Republic in 2018.

The Belfast Telegraph reports that the chain's decision to expand into the south follows its announcement of a 40% rise in turnover since its second branch opened for business four months ago. Bubbacue's original restaurant opened in 2012 on Belfast's Callender Street.

Commenting on the company's expansion plans, Bubbacue founder/managing director John Blisard said, "We're going to be opening the first Bubbacue in Dublin within the next nine months and we have plans to open a third store in Northern Ireland. We have customers who travel from Coleraine and Ballymena, so opening a third store around the north coast is the next logical move. It'll be a new concept to the area and we're excited about our future expansion plans."

Earlier this year, Bubbacue was granted a Growth Loan Fund loan of £400,000 to support its expansion. Provided by Invest NI and private investors, Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee, the Growth Loan Fund was set up to support established Northern Irish SMEs seeking capital to grow their businesses.

Neil McCabe, senior investment manager at the company that manages the Growth Loan Fund, WhiteRock Capital Partners, asserted, "There are ambitious plans ahead for Bubbacue with the owners hoping to gain a major foothold in the Irish market."