Diageo Launches New 'Galway Gold' Beer

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Diageo Launches New 'Galway Gold' Beer

A new beer has been launched in the west as part of an initiative between Galway pubs and Diageo to help raise funds for the Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture programme, as well as to celebrate the city's successful bid to become Europe's cultural capital in 2020.

Some €10 from every keg sold of the so-called "Galway Gold" brew will be donated to the programme to support various events planned for the Capital of Culture festivities, according to fft.ie.

Simon Heaslip of the city's Massimo Bar and Róisín Dubh explained: "The bars have come together on this in order to be a part of Galway 2020 in some direct way…The beer is exclusively available on draught in 45 bars throughout the city from the east village through the city centre, right into the Latin Quarter and in Galway's Westend and out to Salthill. So far, it has raised more than €10,000."