Industry Experts Present Brexit Survival Plan To Munster-Based Food Companies

By Publications Checkout
Industry Experts Present Brexit Survival Plan To Munster-Based Food Companies

Leading Industry experts presented a Brexit survival plan at an event 'Brexit Implications & Proposed Strategies for the Irish Food Sector' that took place in Clayton Silversprings Hotel, Cork last week, according to a statement it issued today (13 April.)

Bord Bia outlined their 5-point Brexit plan to the attendees, comprised of mainly Munster-based food companies.

Tara McCarthy, CEO of Bord Bia outtlined 'that there is no argument that the food sector is destined to be worst hit by Brexit but individual sectors within this group need to be planned for separately due to the exceptional implications for each'.

Echoing similar views John Finn of Treasury Solutions highlighted that 'Currency exchange is the most volatile variable in most businesses and yet it is the least well managed'.

The conference was chaired by Michael Cronin, Agrifood Business Partners, the panel includes: Tara McCarthy, CEO Bord Bia; John Finn, MD Treasury Solutions; Prof. Thia Hennessey, Dept. of Food Business UCC Business School; Alan Jagoe, President CEJA European Council of Young Farmers; Mary Daly Murphy, CEO The Food Safety Company; and Trevor Charsley, Senior Markets Advisor Afex Solutions.

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