An Bord Pleanála Approves Plan To Develop New €15.5m Rollercoaster Attraction At Tayto Park

By Dave Simpson
An Bord Pleanála Approves Plan To Develop New €15.5m Rollercoaster Attraction At Tayto Park

An Bord Pleanála has approved a plan to develop a new €15.5 million rollercoaster attraction at Co. Meath's Tayto Park.

As reported by The Irish Times, the so-called "Coaster 2021" attraction will consist of a 31 metre high and 748 metre long suspended "thrill coaster" and a 24.2 metre high and 238 metre long family boomerang ride.

Planning Permission Battle

An Bord Peanála's decision to approve the plan for the proposed attraction concludes a two year, four month planning permission battle as Tayto Park's owner, Raymond Coyle, fought to secure permission to develop the proposed attraction.

An Bord Pleanála refused to approved a previous plan for a new Tayto Park rollercoaster, partially due to concerns about the noise impact that people's screams would have on local residents.

Revised Plan

Coyle's Ashbourne Visitor Centre Ltd subsequently revised the plan for the proposed attraction to provide for spend of €1.5 million on 14 different noise-reduction methods.


By approving the revised plan, An Bord Pleanála overruled its inspector, Dolores McCague, who recommend that planning permission be denied due to concerns about possible noise impact and the possible resultant effect on the value of local residents' properties. McCague said that the planning application for the proposed attraction did not reveal the noise impact from people's screams, and said that the attraction would exacerbate capacity and congestion issues on the N2 road.

However, An Bord Pleanála found that the proposed attraction will not adversely affect population or human health association with noise, and said that it is satisfied that the mitigation measures in the revised plan are adequate and acceptable, and that the proposed attraction will not exacerbate current identified capacity and congestion on the N2.

An Bord Pleanála's decision upholds a decision by Meath County Council to approve the development of the proposed attraction last year.

Noise Reductions Elements

Coyle has promised that screams from people who use the attraction will be drowned out.

The attraction's tracks will be oriented to direct noise into Tayto Park and away from nearby houses. Other elements designed to reduce noise include three tunnels, underground sections, trees, shrubbery and foliage, and a sound barrier.

© 2021 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.