Call For High-Speed Train Link Between Dublin and Cork

By Dave Simpson
Call For High-Speed Train Link Between Dublin and Cork

Head of the Cork Chamber of Commerce Bill O'Connell is pushing for the creation of a high-speed rail link between Dublin and Cork that would allow people to commute between the two cities daily.

According to, O'Connell asserted that a proposal for a one-hour train service linking Cork and Dublin has been submitted by the chamber to the government for the national planning framework in light of predictions that the population of Cork could increase by 800,000 by 2050.

O'Connell added: "The two cities don't have to compete for jobs, they could complement each other. You could have a company with a main office in Dublin and then a sub-office in Cork, just an hour away."

O'Connell will meet with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar this Friday ( 13 October) to talk about future infrastructure plans for Ireland.