Dublin Chamber Says More Needs To Done To Ensure Safety In City Centre

By Robert McHugh
Dublin Chamber Says More Needs To Done To Ensure Safety In City Centre

Dublin Chamber has welcomed the announcement of an additional €10 million for Gardaí to police the streets of the city, but said this will not be enough to tackle the underlying issues that are the causes of crime.

This comes after a number of highly publicised assaults and muggings in the city centre recently,

The representative body for business in the greater Dublin area said more gardaí on the beat is welcome, but a policing approach alone will not be enough to ensure that people feel safe.

Dereliction And Cleanliness

Dublin Chamber has called on the government to introduce a more comprehensive plan to deal with the issue and to ensure that Dublin is an attractive place to live and do business.

“Since the country reopened post-covid, the way people interact with the city has changed entirely, fuelled by new flexible ways of working, with fewer people coming into the city during the week," said Stephen Browne, head of public affairs.


"This, along with issues of dereliction and cleanliness, need a joined-up approach from Dublin City Council and from government."

Great Opportunity

Dublin Chamber released the statement ahead of this Sunday, when one of the biggest sporting rivalries in American Football will take place in the Aviva Stadium, when Notre Dame take on Navy Football.

With 49,100 tickets for the game sold and over 39,000 fans coming directly from the US for the game, Dublin Chamber said it is a great opportunity for Dublin and for Dublin Business.

'Anticipating The Buzz'

“This is not just a sporting occasion, it will also bring a large tourist contingent to Dublin, with many Dublin businesses welcoming match goers from early in the week including bars, restaurants, hotels and cultural venues such as theatres hoping for a brisk trade,” said Browne.

“While we are eagerly anticipating the buzz around Dublin for this game it will be vital that a high profile policing plan is also in place.”