Events In Arts And Music Venues To Resume In Northern Ireland Later This Month

By Dave Simpson
Events In Arts And Music Venues To Resume In Northern Ireland Later This Month

The Northern Ireland Executive has decided that from July 26, to be ratified on July 22, events can resume in theatres, concert halls and other similar venues.

Arts And Music Venues

A written ministerial statement from Northern Ireland's first minister and deputy first minister published on Tourism NI's website says that the Executive has decided that from July 26, to be ratified on July 22, "Audiences will be able to return to seated theatres and concert halls and other such venues. Entry to performances for audiences will be by ticket only. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the performance. Audiences for indoor events must have allocated seating and remain seated. Social distancing of 1m will be required."

The statement says, "In concert venues, theatres and other indoor venues, live music will be permitted for rehearsals and performances with no restriction to background or ambient levels of volume. Entry to performances for audiences will be by ticket only. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the performance.

"Audiences for indoor events must have allocated seating and remain seated (unless using facilities) and are not permitted to dance. Social distancing of 1m will be required.

"This can include a space within larger premises - for example a function room or conference suite within a hotel. In such circumstances, access to the venue must be effectively controlled and managed and the venue must be sufficiently isolated from the rest of the premises to ensure that the volume of the music in the venue does not breach ambient or background levels in other parts of the premises.


"Entry to performances for audiences will be by ticket only. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the performance. Audiences for indoor events must have allocated seating and remain seated."

Social Distancing

The statement says, "Where a legal requirement to socially distance exists it will be reduced to 1 metre for indoors activities and removed for all outdoor activities. It is still recommended that social distancing at 2 metres is maintained where possible and if not, a minimum of 1 metre is facilitated for indoors events.

"Public transport is exempt from the social distancing requirement however guidance is that it should be 1m unless not possible, in which case other mitigations must be in place."

International Travel

The statement also says, "In relation to international travel we have decided that from 26 July arrivals from amber list countries who have been fully vaccinated in the UK will not have to self-isolate or take a day 8 test post-arrival.

"The definition for a 'fully vaccinated' traveller is someone who:


  • has completed a full course of vaccination, whether that requires two doses or one dose (according to the MHRA authorised schedule as approved by MHRA and/or EMA); and
  • has completed the full course of vaccination at least 14 days previously.

"We have agreed three cohorts who should be exempt from these measures (i.e. treated as if they are fully vaccinated):

  • Clinical trial participants
  • Children under 18
  • Those with medical advice against vaccination.

"These groups would still need to complete a PLF, pre-departure testing and day two post arrival testing. Further work is required on the specifics as well as on how to certify these exemptions.

"It was decided that we, as chairs of the Executive, would write to the Irish government with the intention of resolving any anomalies in relation to international travel arrangements. We are aware that people here depart and arrive through airports based across the island and for public safety and clear messaging it would be beneficial to all to have co-operation and consistency."

© 2021 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.