Fáilte Ireland To Fund Regenerative Tourism Projects In The Midlands

By Robert McHugh
Fáilte Ireland To Fund Regenerative Tourism Projects In The Midlands

Fáilte Ireland has launched an open call for expressions of interest for its Investment Grant-Aid Scheme for Private & Community SMEs.

The scheme aims to transform tourism across eight counties in Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Ireland’s Ancient East by diversifying the local economy and providing new employment opportunities for workers and communities that were heavily dependent on peat.

Wider Midlands Area

Failte Ireland said that up to €17 million in grant-aid will be available for private and community-based micro enterprises and SMEs in the wider Midlands area.

The financial scheme will benefit Laois, Westmeath, Offaly, Longford, Roscommon and parts of Galway, Tipperary and Kildare.

Carbon Neutral Destination

The project aims to support the transition of the Midlands to a carbon neutral destination through funding of sustainable tourism projects that are designed to have significant regenerative impacts on local communities and peatlands.


Failte Ireland said it wants to attract more visitors, increase dwell time, and secure overnight stays. In turn, the organisation said this will create new jobs in the sector in order to help grow the visitor economy.

'Enormous Potential'

"We encourage private and community-based micro enterprises and SMEs to recognise the enormous potential of this scheme," said CEO of Fáilte Ireland, Paul Kelly.

"We are now inviting them to express their interest in developing a tourism project that will help create more reasons for domestic and international tourists to visit the Midlands while also sustaining jobs, businesses and local communities."

'Green Transition'

The Government has indicated that the programme will support regions that are experiencing the negative impacts from the transition away from fossil fuel-intensive or greenhouse-gas-intensive industries, such as the use of peat for energy generation.

“The EU Just Transition Fund Regenerative Tourism & Placemaking Scheme is an example of how the government and the European Union are working together to provide new employment and economic opportunities in the Midlands that will help local communities benefit directly from the green transition," said Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan.

"This is one of many initiatives under the EU Just Transition Fund that will accelerate the transition towards a greener, more sustainable, low-carbon economy in the Midlands.”