Fáilte Ireland Welcomes Establishment Of Tourism Recovery Taskforce

By Dave Simpson
Fáilte Ireland Welcomes Establishment Of Tourism Recovery Taskforce

Fáilte Ireland has welcomed the establishment of the Tourism Recovery Taskforce that was announced by ministers Shane Ross and Brendan Griffin this week.

Fáilte Ireland CEO Paul Kelly, who is a member of the task force, said that it is a critical and urgent working group dedicated to ensuring that the tourism sector recovers from the COVID-19 crisis as quickly as possible.

"Confident" About Creating "Innovative Plans"

Kelly stated, "The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector has been catastrophic, and the establishment by the government of a Tourism Recovery Taskforce is very much welcomed by Fáilte Ireland.

"I look forward to participating and constructively engaging with my fellow members and with our chair, Ruth Andrews, who has extensive knowledge of the tourism sector. Each member brings expertise and a passion for rebuilding the tourism industry, so I am confident we will agree innovative plans with urgency to ensure the tourism sector can survive and emerge from this crisis ready for business.

"In parallel to the work of the task force, Fáilte Ireland will continue its comprehensive planning and business supports work with thousands of tourism businesses and sectoral bodies as we try to rebuild the tourism industry together."

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