New Scheme to Urge Students to Consider a Career in Tourism

By Steve Wynne-Jones
New Scheme to Urge Students to Consider a Career in Tourism

A new initiative launched by the Irish Hotels Federation is urging second-level students to consider a career in tourism.

The new national drive, which is supported by Fáilte Ireland, aims to create 45,000 jobs in the sector by 2025. The IHF is targeting 15-18 year olds, urging them to consider studying courses in tourism and hospitality.

A free print and digital magazine will be distributed to over 700 secondary schools in Ireland, which show the array of career opportunities available for prospective students.

Stephen McNally, president of the IHF (pictured), said the scheme is aimed at showing students the many options available to them in the industry, including the hundreds of third-level courses throughout the country.

"It is a thriving industry offering excellent career prospects, swift promotional opportunities, and a life less ordinary where you get to meet and work with great people,” said McNally.


Currently, there are an estimated 205,000 people working in the tourism industry in Ireland, which the Government hopes to increase to 250,000 in ten years.

The Restaurants Association of Ireland urged the Government last week to tackle the "crisis" shortage of chefs in Ireland, as 5,000 new chefs are needed by 2016 to fill current vacancies.