Tourism Ireland Showcases Wild Atlantic Way In Britain

By Dave Simpson
Tourism Ireland Showcases Wild Atlantic Way In Britain

300 billboard ads are highlighting the Wild Atlantic Way in key roadside and city centre locations across the UK right now. The ads feature images of various locations along the Wild Atlantic Way and the key message is the quick and easy access from Britain to those locations in under two hours. It’s all part of Tourism Ireland’s “Wonders of the Wild Atlantic Way” campaign, which is under way in cities in Britain with direct flights to the west of Ireland, including London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Tourism Minister Brendan Griffin visited London on Tuesday March 27, where he met with the Tourism Ireland team to view the impact of the billboard ads. He was fully briefed on this new €1.35 million Wild Atlantic Way campaign, which is projected to reach at least 10 million potential holidaymakers around Britain.

As well as the outdoor ads, the campaign includes co-operative ads with Ryanair highlighting good value fares on London buses and online. It also includes a promotion on Classic FM with British journalist and presenter Bill Turnbull, a joint promotion with TripAdvisor, and social media promotions and email marketing.