Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland Launch New Tourism Brand For Northern Ireland

By Dave Simpson
Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland Launch New Tourism Brand For Northern Ireland

Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland have launched a new destination brand that will be used to promote Northern Ireland both on the island of Ireland and internationally with the aim of increasing visitor numbers and ensuring economic impact across all regions.

"Northern Ireland – Embrace A Giant Spirit" will communicate a high quality experience to visitors that is recognisable as being distinctively Northern Irish.

"An Opportunity And An Invitation"

Speaking about the new brand, Tourism NI chief executive John McGrillen said, "Tourism is a fiercely competitive global industry and it is crucial that Northern Ireland has prominence both on the island of Ireland and internationally. We want to transform how prospective visitors perceive our destination and ensure that we deliver on their expectations when they get here.

"'Northern Ireland – Embrace a Giant Spirit' is an opportunity and an invitation to create economic uplift for everyone involved in tourism in all parts of Northern Ireland. It will build on the strengths and successes of the last decade to give authentic experiences provided by businesses large and small that will leave our visitors with unforgettable memories.

"This is a new approach to promoting Northern Ireland tourism that has been tested in our key international markets and roundly endorsed by our industry."



Meanwhile, Tourism Ireland's director of corporate services, policy & Northern Ireland, Shane Clarke, commented, "Overseas tourism delivers around £560 million per year for the Northern Ireland economy, helping to sustain valuable employment in local communities. We are confident that this new brand will help give Northern Ireland real 'stand-out' on the international stage and will deliver a significant boost to the tourism economy over the coming years.

"In 2020, Tourism Ireland looks forward to unveiling 'Northern Ireland - Embrace A Giant Spirit' in our key markets around the world and will roll out an extensive programme of trade, media and consumer communications. Our message is that there has never been a better time to visit Northern Ireland."

© 2019 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.