VFI Research Shows Importance Of Pubs To Sporting Associations

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VFI Research Shows Importance Of Pubs To Sporting Associations

Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI) members invest €3.5 million in local sports and events annually, according to research released ahead of the Federation's annual AGM, which was held at the Knightsbrook Hotel, Co. Meath on Tuesday 14 May. The study, carried out by Ignite Market Research, found that almost half (49%) of VFI members currently sponsor local teams and events, with an average investment of €1,726 per member in these activities annually, making for an overall VFI spend of €3,425,247 each year. 

Worryingly, however, some 29% of publicans claimed that they have had to withdraw their sponsorship in recent times, with 46% stating that they could no longer afford the extra expense. Commenting on the findings of the study, Gerry Rafter, VFI President said, "If a ban on alcohol is to be brought in, the Irish Government will have to factor in to this the impact that a loss of €3.5 million per annum will have on grassroots organizations and the societal impact of same."

The study also showed that 39% of VFI members have had to make reductions in staffing levels during the first three months of 2013. With recent figures from Revenue showing that a further 150 pubs closed their doors last year, the VFI predicts similar hardship for publicans during 2013, with VFI President Gerry Rafter commenting, "Unfortunately we find ourselves in a very similar situation to this time 12 months ago, with further pub closures and job losses casting a long shadow over our AGM." 

He continued, "While we wait for the Government to realize the danger that over 50,000 jobs are in, I think it is time that we started to shout about the positive contribution the Irish pub has made and continues to make to Irish society and in particular to rural communities."