90% of Irish Hotels Reporting Increase in Business

By Steve Wynne-Jones
90% of Irish Hotels Reporting Increase in Business

A survey by the Irish Hotel Federation (IHF) has revealed that the vast majority of Irish hotels saw an increase in business during the first six months of 2015.

While 90 per cent of hotels reported an increase in visitors, 83 per cent said they also have seen an increase in advance bookings for the coming summer months.

Overseas visitors increased by 12 per cent while 79 per cent of respondents said that they've seen an increase in domestic visitors. Optimism also seems to be at a high as 87 per cent said they have a positive outlook for trade for the next year.

President of the IHF Stephen said that the increased confidence is down to the growth of tourism, as visitor numbers are expected to hit around 7.8 million by the end of 2015, the highest since 2007, and the most on record.

“Now that the peak summer season is under way, advance bookings for the remainder of the year are up across the board. This is having a very positive impact on sentiment throughout the sector with the majority of businesses planning to take on additional new staff over the next twelve months,” said McNally.

The positive outlook means that hoteliers are now more likely to invest in refurbishment - a practice that was often put on the back burner during the recovery period. Some 85 per cent said they planned on upgrading the hotel and increasing expenditure in the next 12 months.