Occupancy Rate For Dublin Hotels Hits Almost 90% In October

By Dave Simpson
Occupancy Rate For Dublin Hotels Hits Almost 90% In October

New data released by travel research firm STR indicates that the occupancy rate for Dublin hotels hit 88.2% in October, with the average daily rate of rooms being €142.77.

As reported by The Irish Times, the 88.2% occupancy rate represents a 1.2% increase on October of 2016, while the €142.77 average daily room rate represents an increase of 8.5%. Furthermore, the capital's revenue per room available went up 9.9% to €125.91 in October compared to the same month last year.

Meanwhile, the occupancy rate for Ireland as a whole was up 3.3% to 83% in October, with the average daily room rate for the country rising 7.8% to €129.66.

Commenting on occupancy expectations going forward, director of clients at STR Sarah Duignan said, "STR forecasts that hotel occupancy and average daily rates will be positive for Dublin and Ireland as a whole through the remainder of 2017 and continue throughout 2018 as a result of soaring inbound arrival numbers and strong economic growth."