Enda Kenny Promises Lower Taxes for Rural Pubs

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Enda Kenny Promises Lower Taxes for Rural Pubs

Enda Kenny has vowed to slash taxes for rural pubs, as well as ensure each bar is equipped with high-speed broadband.

In Fine Gael's ‘discussion paper on jobs and rural development’, which was given to elected independents considering supporting the party, Kenny pitched a number of key issues for politician in rural areas.

The Irish Independent reports that the 'public houses' section of the paper promises to "remove the rate of duty for publicans’ licences for premises with an annual turnover of less than €190,500”.

The paper also addresses broadband, so often a problem for hospitality businesses in rural areas. "We will endeavour to deliver access to high quality, high speed broadband to every pub in the country by 2020 as part of the National Broadband Plan,” it states.

The move is a part of a pitch to convince politicians from the Independent Alliance, the so called Rural Five, the Green party, the Healy-Rae brothers and Katherine Zappone to support Kenny as Taoiseach.