Gambetta Appeals Rejection of Dublin City Centre 'Superpub' Plans

By Dave Simpson
Gambetta Appeals Rejection of Dublin City Centre 'Superpub' Plans

In the wake of Dublin City Council's refusal last month to approve planning permission for a proposed large-scale pub and restaurant on the corner of Harcourt Street and Montague Street, Gambetta Ltd has appealed to An Bord Pleanála to reconsider the decision.

As reported by, the council rejected the company's proposal on the basis that its size classified it as a 'superpub' and that its extensive exterior seating facilities would lead to an over-abundance of noise pollution in an area that already features a vast variety of late night licensed venues.

However, in its appeal, Gambetta claimed that the development could not be considered a superpub because it would be "largely dedicated to seating areas for customers who will be availing of the established food offering."

The company also asserted that its plans are "for the limited expansion of established uses and that the development of the properties will have significant positive effects both on the streetscape and on the integrity of the protected structures themselves."

The appeal proceeded to state that the venue would feature a DJ and live music in a "casual, relaxed setting" rather than being a traditional nightclub and that the development would allow for the refurbishment of currently derelict buildings without having an adverse effect on the established character of the area.

A decision is expected to be delivered in January of 2018.