JD Wetherspoon's €4m 'Super Pub' Plans Put On Hold

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JD Wetherspoon's €4m 'Super Pub' Plans Put On Hold

JD Wetherspoon's plans for a new €4m pub and hotel on Camden Street (pictured) in Dublin have been halted after Dublin City Council requested that the UK-based pub chain provide more information about its plan for the new establishment.

The request comes after local residents last month voiced their opposition to Wetherspoon's planning application for the new pub and hotel, citing concerns about the over-concentration of licensed premises in the Camden Street/Wexford St area of the capital, which currently already has 14 pubs, with 13 cafes/restaurants also serving alcohol.

The Irish Examiner reports that Dublin City Council has told JD Wetherspoon that "there is a need to strike an appropriate balance between the role of these entertainment uses in the economy of the city and ensure a balanced mix of uses and protect the amenities of residents from an over-concentration of late night venues".

The Council added that has "concern in relation to the over-concentration of bars and restaurants on Camden St", while also expressing concern in relation to the decrease in the number of planned rooms for the hotel, alongside plans for an outdoor seating area, which could have potential for noise pollution.

In response, JD Wetherspoon stated that the new Camden St venture will "benefit the city in terms of investment, jobs and the redevelopment of a disused site."

If it gets the green light, Wetherspoon's Camden St plans include a bar and adjoining 98-room hotel, which it says will create up to 100 jobs.