Chopped Seeking a Slice of the UK Market

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Chopped Seeking a Slice of the UK Market

Chopped, the Irish-owned salad bar company, is eyeing up potential counter-parties in the UK as it seeks to capitalise on its success in Ireland.

According to the Sunday Business Post, the company is in negotiations with at least two potential partners in the UK and is also considering expansion in mainland Europe.

"We will be known across Ireland, and very soon out of Ireland," said Brian Lee, co-founder of Chopped. "We've already have inquiries from Germany, Spain and France."

Chopped opened its first store in 2012 and now has three locations in Baggot Street, Ballsbridge and Fairview, the latter of which is owned by Irish UFC star Cathal Pendred.

The company has plans to open a fourth directly-owned store in the next year, as well as six franchises. It has hired the help of Jonathan Parkhill, who orchestrated the expansion of Eddie Rockets, to help with its franchising efforts.