Deliveroo Expected To Significantly Boost Employment In Restaurant Sector Over Next Two Years

By Dave Simpson
Deliveroo Expected To Significantly Boost Employment In Restaurant Sector Over Next Two Years

An independent report carried out by Capital Economics analysing the impact that Deliveroo has on its restaurant partners, suppliers and the Irish economy at large has revealed that the delivery service's continued growth will inject €45 million into the Irish economy between now and 2020, as well as generating more than 800 new jobs.

According to The Irish Independent, Deliveroo's operations will support 3,000 people over the next two years between the service's riders and staff, and jobs in the restaurant sector. Furthermore, it is expected that Deliveroo will generate revenue of €3.4 million from tax for the Exchequer.

Regional manager for Deliveroo Ireland Liam Cox commented, "Deliveroo is proud to be providing a boost to Irish restaurants, helping businesses large and small throughout Ireland to grow. We look forward to building on this success and helping more restaurants reach new customers with exciting new food."